The Constitution and By-Laws of The American Legion Pablo J. Cortez Post 26,
Department of Arizona, as
set out herein, is in full force and effect and represents actions taken by
the membership at regular meetings
of Mesa Post 26; adopted 1949, 1951, 1968, 1975, 1981, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1992,
1996, 2002, 2004, 2005,
2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019 and 2023.
I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America
and to the Republic for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with Liberty and Justice for all.
Amended March 2023
For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:
To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
To maintain law and order;
To foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism;
To preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars;
To inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and
To combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses;
To make right the master of might;
To promote peace and good-will on earth;
To safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom
and democracy;
To consecrate and sanctify our comradeship by our devotion to mutual helpfulness;
Amended March 2023
Section 1. The name of this organization shall be The American Legion
Pablo J. Cortez
Post 26, Department of Arizona. Amended March 2023.
Section 2. The American Legion Pablo J. Cortez Post 26, Department of Arizona
be located in the city of Mesa, Arizona. Amended March 2023.
Section 1. The objectives and purposes of this Post shall be to promote the
and policies as set forth in the foregoing Preamble, and the National and
Constitution of The American Legion.
Section 1. This Post is a civilian organization and membership therein does
not affect or
increase liability for military or police service. Rank does not exist in
The American Legion;
and no member shall be addressed by their military or naval title in any meeting
of this Post.
Section 2. This Post shall be absolutely nonpolitical and shall not be used
dissemination of partisan principles nor for the promotion of candidacy of
any person
seeking public office or preferment.
Section 1. Eligibility for membership in this Post shall be as prescribed
by the National
Constitution of The American Legion.
Section 2. There shall be no form or class of membership except an active
with a recognized Post within the Department.
Section 3. No person shall be a member of more than one Post.
Section 4. All applications for membership shall be acted upon at the next
Post meeting
and shall be accepted, rejected, or referred for further consideration. If
a majority of the
members present cast their vote against the acceptance of said application,
then such
application shall be rejected. A rejected application shall not again be considered
until six (6)
months from the date of the rejection.
Section 5. Members may be suspended or expelled from the Legion only upon
a proper
showing of cause. Charges shall be based upon disloyalty. neglect of duty,
dishonesty, and
conduct unbecoming of a member of The American Legion. All charges must be
made under
oath in writing by the accusers, and no member in good standing shall lose
his membership
until given a fair trial by the Post. The fair trial shall be in the same
manner for the removal of
elected Post officers in Article III, Section 10 of these By-Laws.
Section 6. Any member who has been suspended or expelled has the right to
appeal to
their Department Executive Committee or to the Department Convention according
to the
provisions in the By-Laws of such Department. The decision of the Department
shall be final.
Amended March 2023
Section 7. No person who has been expelled by any Post shall be admitted to
membership into this Post without the consent of the expelling Post, except
that where such
consent has been asked and denied by expelling Post. They may then appeal
to the
Executive Committee of the Department of the expelling Post for permission
to apply for
membership in this Post and shall be ineligible for membership until such
permission is
Section 8. Effective 1 January (amended 01/2013) of each membership year,
if current
dues have not been paid, the member will be suspended with all privileges
denied until
current dues are paid.
Section 1. The elected Officers of this Post shall be a Commander, a Senior
Commander, a Junior Vice Commander, a Sergeant-at-Arms, five (5) Executive
Committeemen, a Club Committee Chairman, and other such officers as may be
necessary by this organization. Nominations and elections of the aforementioned
shall be as provided in the By-Laws. Amended March 2023.
Section 2. The administrative affairs of this Post shall be under the supervision
of the
following elected officers of this Post: Commander, Senior Vice Commander,
Junior Vice
Commander. Sergeant-at-Arms, and five (5) executive Committeemen, herein known
as the
"Executive Committee." Amended March 2023.
Section 3. The management of the Social Club operations of this Post shall,
except as
may be otherwise provided by the By-Laws, be under the supervision of the
Section 4. Any member of this Post in good standing shall be eligible to hold
except for Social Club employees.
Section 1. The revenue of this Post shall be derived from annual membership
dues and
from such other sources as may be approved by the Post Executive Committee.
Section 2. The amount of such annual membership dues shall be as determined
by this
Section 3. The Post shall pay to the Department Headquarters the National
Department per capita tax for every member of this Post.
Section 1. This Post recognizes an Auxiliary organization to be known as The
Legion Auxiliary of Pablo J. Cortez Unit #26. Amended March 2023.
Section 2. Membership in the Auxiliary Unit shall be as prescribed by the
Constitution of The American Legion.
Amended March 2023
Section 1. This Constitution as adopted is subject to the provisions of the
Constitution of The American Legion, and of the Constitution of the Department
of Arizona,
The American Legion. Any amendment to the National Constitution or Department
Constitution which conflicts with any provisions hereof shall be regarded
as automatically
repealing or modifying the provisions of this Constitution to the extent of
such conflict.
Section 2. This Constitution may be amended at any regular Post General Meeting,
providing that the proposed amendment shall have been submitted in writing,
read at the
next regular meeting, and that written notice shall have been given to the
Post membership
at least ten (10) days in advance of the meeting that the amendments will
be voted upon.
Written notice will be considered given when it is communicated by means of
mail, email, the
Post's bulletin board, Website, or Social Media Accounts. A two-thirds (2/3)
majority vote of
Post members present is necessary to amend this Constitution. Amended March
Amended March 2023
Section 1. The administration of this Post is entrusted to the Post Commander
with the
Executive Committee. Amended March 2023.
Section 1. The management of the Social Club of this Post is entrusted to
the Club
Committee whereas the Post Commander with the Executive Committee has oversight
of the
Club Committee decisions. Amended March 2023.
Section 1. The elective officers shall be nominated annually from the floor
during the
March and April membership meetings. All nominated members will need to be
a member of
Post 26 for twelve months and in Good Standing. Amended March 2023.
Section 2. Election of officers shall be by written ballot held between the
current (amended
10-2015) clubroom opening hours which will be 8AM to 6PM on the first regular
meeting in
May. Prior written notice of voting date and times will be given to the Post
membership. Elected
officers shall be installed at the next regular meeting. The newly elected
officers shall take
office immediately upon adjournment of the Department Convention.
Section 3. The Post officers that will be nominated and elected in accordance
with Section
1 and 2 of this Article, shall be Post Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior
Commander, Sergeant-at-Arms, five (5) Executive Committeemen. All terms shall
be for one
(1) year. Amended March 2023.
A. Deleted March 2023.
B. Deleted March 2023.
Section 4. The candidate(s) receiving the highest number of votes shall be
elected to the
respective offices. The total ballots will be reported in accordance with
Article IV, paragraph
7, Post Commander's Handbook reads in part, "The form of the report of
the Elections
Committee for each office to be filled is as follows: (example), For Commander
- number of
votes cast - 30; Brown received - 19; Jones received - 10; Green received
- 1; (The highest
number of votes for each office stated first.)." In counting the ballots
every name for which a
vote has been cast must be reported. The number of spoiled ballots shall be
A. A voter error that spoils only a portion of the ballot shall not invalidate
correctly voted portion. The Election Committee shall report a spoiled ballot
for such office but
shall nevertheless tally the remaining properly voted portions of the ballot.
Section 5. No member may nominate more than one (1) candidate for the same
Section 6. A member nominated for one Post office may not be nominated for
Post office unless they first withdraw their name from the previous nomination.
Amended March 2023
A. A Post officer may be nominated for any Post office pursuant to the provision
of this Article; however, prior to accepting the nomination he must immediately
resign his
office, provided his present term would extend beyond the date he would assume
the office
for which he is a candidate.
Section 7. No member's name shall be placed in nomination for a Post office
if not
present, except where a written consent from the nominee is presented to the
floor stating
their acceptance thereof.
Section 8. No member's name shall be withdrawn from nomination for a Post
office if not
present, except where a written consent from the nominee is presented to the
floor stating
their rejection of nomination thereof.
Section 9. A Nominating Committee may be appointed by the Post Commander;
no member of this Committee may be a candidate for any office in the Post.
If constituted, the
Committee shall present its recommendations to the floor prior to any other
nominations for
Post office.
Section 10. Any elected post officer or member may be removed from office
by the following
procedure: A typewritten, signed formal written request to remove the officer/member
shall be
presented to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee approves
the signed formal
written request by a majority vote of those present, they shall, within ten
(10) days, in person,
by registered mail, or by email, notify the officer/member of the pending
action, and shall
schedule a Special Membership meeting. Amended March 2023.
A. If the complainant is not satisfied with the action of the Executive Committee,
they may request to present the complaint to the membership at a regular Post
meeting. If the
membership approves the signed formal written request by a majority vote of
present, the Commander shall, within ten (10) days, in person, by registered
mail, or by email,
notify the officer/member of the pending action, and shall schedule a Special
meeting. Amended March 2023.
The question of removal shall be considered at a Special Membership meeting
called for that
purpose. A majority vote of the members present shall be necessary for removal.
The Post
Commander, Sr. Vice Commander, Jr. Vice Commander, Sgt of Arms and Executive
Committeemen shall require a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present
at the special
membership meeting for removal. Amended March 2023.
Section 1.
A. A vacancy shall exist whenever an officer of the Post is absent from his
or her
duties for two (2) regular Post meetings in any elective year unless properly
excused by the
Post Commander. The absence of the Commander may only be excused by the Executive
Committee. An elective year runs from July First (1) through June Thirtieth
(30). Amended
March 2023.
B. A vacancy shall exist whenever an elective member of the Executive
Committee is absent from his or her duties for two (2) regular Committee meetings
excused by the Commander.
Amended March 2023
C. Moved to Article VI--Club Committee Section 3 March 2023.
Section 2.
A. In the event of a vacancy in the office of Post Commander, the Senior Vice
Commander shall automatically succeed as Post Commander, the Junior Vice Commander
shall automatically succeed as Senior Vice Commander, the Sgt at Arms shall
succeed as Junior Vice Commander thereby creating a vacancy in the office
of Sgt at Arms.
The vacant office of Sgt at Arms shall be filled by nomination and be appointed
by approval of
the Commander with the Executive Committee. Amended March 2023
B. In the event that a vacancy simultaneously occurs in the office of the
Commander, Senior Vice Commander, Junior Vice Commander, and Sgt at Arms,
Executive Committee shall appoint a Commander to implement the provisions
of this Article.
Amended March 2023
Section 3. A vacancy occurring in any other elected Post office shall be filled
nomination and be appointed by approval of the Commander with the Executive
Amended March 2023
Section 4. . Deleted March 2023.
Section 5. . Deleted March 2023.
Section 6. An elected officer who serves less than seven (7) full months in
the office to
which he or she was elected shall not be considered a past officer unless
his or her termination
of service was due to a medically certified illness or death.
A. An officer automatically succeeding to a vacant office shall be considered
past officer in that position if he or she has served not less than seven
(7) months.
B. Any service less than seven (7) months shall be applied to the office which
or she was previously elected.
Section 1. The Post Commander shall officiate as Chairman at all meetings
of the
Executive Committee. The Committee shall meet at the call of the Commander.
Commander shall call a meeting of the Committee upon the joint written request
of four (4) or
more members of the Executive Committee. Five (5) members of the Committee
constitute a quorum. Amended March 2023.
Section 2 The Committee shall authorize and approve the expenditure of funds
necessary for normal operation of the Post, shall require adequate bonds from
all persons
handling monies of this post, shall hear reports of the Committee Chairman
and, generally,
shall have charge of and be responsible for the management of the affairs
of this Post,
including all property, real and otherwise.
Section 3. The Finance Officer shall serve ex-officio as a member of the Executive
Committee, but without a vote.
Amended March 2023
Section 4. . Deleted March 2023.
Section 1. The Club Committee shall consist of four (4) American Legion Family
members. The Post Commander will appoint one (1) Legionnaire member. The Auxiliary
President will appoint one (1) Auxiliary member. The Sons of the American
Commander will appoint one (1) SAL member. The Legion Riders President will
appoint one
(1) ALR member that cannot be the same member that will be appointed by any
of the other
American Legion Family entities. The Chairman of the Club Committee shall
be elected by the
Post Membership whereas this position will be open to any American Legion
Family Member.
The Club Committee shall meet at the call of the Club Committee Chairman or
the Post
Commander. Three (3) Committeemen shall constitute a quorum. Amended March
Section 2. A monthly report of all actions of the Club Committee shall be
made to the
Section 3. A vacancy shall exist whenever a member of the Club Committee is
from his or her duties for two
(2) regular meetings unless excused by the Chairman. Amended
March 2023.
Section 1. The Post Commander shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the
Post. He or
she shall preside at all meetings and shall have general supervision over
the business affairs
of the Post. He or she shall request a property and fiscal inventory to be
taken within fifteen(15)
days after the close of the fiscal year. He or she shall present an annual
report at a regular
meeting in June, covering the business of the Post for the preceding year
recommendations for the ensuing year. The Post Commander can be reimbursed
expenses incurred in the execution of his or her duties up to $300 upon approval
of the
Executive Committee. He or she shall perform such other duties as directed
by the Post
Executive Committee and/or Post Membership. Amended March 2023.
Section 2. The Senior Vice Commander shall assume and discharge the duties
of the Post
Commander at the request, absence, or disability of the Commander. He or she
shall be the
Chairman of the Membership Committee and be responsible for the procuring
presentation of new members, the reinstatement of delinquent members, investigating
eligibility of any prospective member and all matters pertaining to membership.
He or she shall
perform such other duties as delegated by the Commander or by the Post Executive
Committee and/or Post Membership. Amended March 2023
Section 3. The Junior Vice Commander shall assume and discharge the duties
responsibilities of the Post Commander in the absence. or disability of both
the Commander
and the Senior Vice Commander. He or she shall be Chairman and be responsible
for the
social activities of the Post and shall perform such other duties as delegated
by the
Commander or by the Post Executive Committee and/or Post Membership. Amended
Section 4. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be responsible for preparing the Post
room for
regular meetings. He or she shall be the official custodian of the colors
and assure that they
Amended March 2023
are property posted and retired at all Post functions. He or she shall be
responsible for
preserving order at all Post meetings and throughout the Post building. He
or she shall perform
such other duties as delegated by the Commander or by the Post Executive Committee
Post Membership. Amended March 2023
Section 5. The five (5) Executive Committeemen shall be charged with the following
and responsibilities: Amended March 2023.
A. Reviewing and monitoring all Post expenditures that comes before the
Executive Committee, including but not limited to, those actions of the Club
Committee and
the Bingo Committee that require approval of the general membership; these
matters shall
include salary, bonuses, and renovations etc.
B. All other Post matters which require action from the floor.
C. Monitoring Post home grounds for upkeep, wear and tear of equipment, and
shall report directly to the Executive Committee.
D. Any other duties delegated by the Commander or by the Post Executive
Committee and/or Post Membership. Amended March 2023
Section 6. The Club Committee shall be charged with the duties and responsibilities
provided in Article VIII Sections 1-7.
Section 1 Hereinafter the Social Club Room shall be referred to as the Post
Section 2. The Post Lounge shall be operated under full compliance of all
local and state
liquor law regulations, including but not limited to permitting and licensing.
A copy of the rules
and regulations local and state agencies shall be incorporated into the Post
Constitution and
By-Laws by reference, giving title of document and date of the latest revision.
In addition, the
Lounge shall be operated in accordance with the Department Club Committee
and the Post
Constitution and By-Laws. All emergency repairs more than $1,000 shall be
approved by the
Executive Committee.
Section 3. Upon adjournment of the Department Convention the Committee shall
and select a Club Committee Vice Chairman. The Club Committee Chairman shall
preside at
all Committee meetings and shall act as spokesman for the group to the Executive
He or she shall assign duties to each member and is to assure that each member
takes an
active part in the activities of the Club Committee. The Club Committee Vice
Chairman shall
in the absence or disability of the Club Committee Chairman, continue to discharge
the duties
of the Club Committee Chairman until such time as is warranted by the nature
of the absence.
The Club Committee Vice Chairman shall perform such other duties as directed
by the Club
Committee Chairman.
A. Deleted March 2023.
Amended March 2023
Section 4. On the last Sunday of each quarter (March, June, September, December)
Committee shall make a complete inventory of lounge supplies and stock on
hand. The
Committee shall assure that an adequate money reserve is maintained for change
and other
purposes required in the daily operation of the lounge.
Section 5.
A. Selection of the Post Bar Manager shall be made by the Club Committee and
presented to the Executive Committee for review and approval, and a majority
vote of the
members present at the next regular Post meeting.
B. The Bar Manager shall select an Assistant Bar Manager to act in the place
the Bar Manager in case of illness, death, or other extenuating reason(s).'
In the absence of
the Bar Manager, for any of the reasons noted above, the Assistant Bar Manager
shall replace
him or her and continue to exercise the duties of the Bar Manager. He or she
will serve on an
interim basis until such time as the Committee confers and makes a recommendation.
Selection of the new Bar Manager shall be approved by the Executive Committee.
Deleted March 2023.) The Assistant Bar Manager shall perform such other duties
necessary by the Bar Manager. Amended March 2023
C. The Bar Manager shall employ the personnel required to properly operate
lounge. All orders or instructions pertaining to lounge policy shall be communicated
to the
Assistant Bar Manager as well as to all bartenders and other lounge employees.
D. Deleted (10/2013).
Section 6. Imposition of disciplinary action by the Club Committee. The American
Family members may have their club privileges suspended upon a proper showing
of cause
to the Club Committee. Charges can range from physical to verbal harassment
of employees
to fellow patrons; any use of vulgarity in the club, fraudulent behavior and/or
unbecoming of a member of the American Legion Family. Charges must be written
and signed
to be considered. A fair trial shall be held in accordance with National,
Department and District
rules and regulations. Amended March 2023
Section 7. All Committee actions shall be reported at the membership meeting
month, except during the recess months, July and August. The Committee shall
perform such
other duties as delegated by the Commander or by the Post Executive Committee.
March 2023
Section 1. Immediately upon taking office, the Post Commander shall appoint
following Post officers: Adjutant, Chaplain, Finance Officer, Historian, Judge
Advocate and
Service Officer. He shall also appoint a Chairman of the following standing
Americanism. Athletic, Auditing, Bingo, Legislative, Awarded Life Membership
and Publicity.
He or she may appoint other Committee Chairmen as he or she deems necessary.
Section 2. All appointments made pursuant to the provisions of Section I must
approved by the Executive Committee. Any elected Post Officer may serve in
any appointed
position, except Finance Officer, and still retain their elected officer.
Amended March 2023
Section 3. Any appointed officer or Committee Chairman or Committeeman may
removed from office by the Commander upon a majority approval of the Executive
(A vacancy shall automatically exist whenever an appointed officer or Committee
Chairman is
absent from two (2) regular meetings in any elective year unless properly
excused by the Post
Commander.) Amended March 2023.
Section 4. The Adjutant shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings at
all Post
meetings and shall maintain all records required by the Department and National
Organization. He or she shall handle all correspondence under the direction
of the
Commander. He or she shall be adequately bonded in the amount established
by the
Executive Committee and prior to taking office shall present proof of proper
bonding to the
Executive Committee. He or she shall perform such other duties as directed
by the Post
Commander or by the Post. The Post Adjutant can be reimbursed for expenses
incurred in
the execution of his or her duties up to $300 upon approval of the Executive
Committee. The
Adjutant shall be compensated in an amount as determined by the Executive
Section 5. The Chaplain shall be charged with the spiritual welfare of the
Post. He or she
will conduct divine, on-sectarian services for dedications, funerals and other
occasions when
requested. He or she will adhere to the ceremonial rituals set forth by the
Department and
National orders and directives. He or she shall be responsible for visiting
and comforting Post
members and their families in time of sickness or bereavement and shall arrange
for veterans
in hospitals to be regularly visited. He or she may, with the approval of
the Executive
Committee, appoint necessary assistants. He or she shall perform such other
duties as
directed by the Commander or by the Post.
Section 6. The Finance Officer shall have charge of the Post and Social Club
and shall be responsible for the safekeeping and proper deposits of all monies
turned over to
him or her. He or she shall be required to maintain all financial or business
records necessary
for a complete audit. He or she shall be the official custodian of all legal
documents and of the
inventories of all Post property. He or she shall obtain necessary safety
deposit boxes in a
reliable bank for the safekeeping of such records.
A. The Finance Officer shall be responsible for the proper filing of all tax
and the payment of taxes due.
B. The Finance Officer shall present to the Executive Committee at their first
meeting in July a Bingo budget for the coming fiscal year.
C. The Finance Officer shall be adequately bonded in the amount established
the Executive Committee and prior to taking office shall present proof of
a proper bonding to
the Executive Committee.
D. The Finance Officer shall be compensated in an amount as determined by
Executive Committee.
E. The Finance Officer shall report each month to the Executive Committee
the general membership on the financial state of the Post with recommendations
pertaining to
the raising or disbursing of Post funds.
F. The Finance Officer shall report each month to the Club Committee and the
general membership on the financial state of the Social Club.
Amended March 2023
G. Within fifteen (15) days after the close of the fiscal year, the Finance
shall make all business and financial records available to the Auditing Committee
for audit. He
or she shall, if ordered by the Executive Committee or the general membership,
make the
aforementioned records available to a designated Certified Public Accountant
for audit.
In the absence or disability of the Finance Officer, the Commander, with the
advice and
consent of the Executive Committee, may appoint a Finance Officer Pro Tempore,
to serve
until the Finance Officer is able to resume his or her duties.
The Finance Officer shall perform such other duties as delegated by the Post
Commander or
by the Executive Committee. Amended March 2023.
Section 7. The Historian shall be responsible for compiling a history of the
Post. He or she
shall be charged with the collection and preservation of the records of Post
incidents and the
records of individual members that would contribute to this undertaking. He
or she shall
perform such other duties as directed by the Post Commander or by the Post.
Section 8. The Judge Advocate shall advise the Post Officers and the Executive
Committee on all legal matters, including the interpretation of the Post Constitution
and By-
Laws. He or she shall perform such other duties as directed by the Post Commander
or by the
Section 9. The Service Officer shall assist worthy comrades, and/or their
families in
processing Veterans claims. He or she shall help within the guidelines established
by the Post
in matters concerning rehabilitation, employment, relief and child welfare.
He or she may. With
the approval of the Executive Committee, appoint necessary assistants. He
or she shall
perform such other duties as directed by the Post Commander or by the Post.
Section 10. The Americanism Committee Chairman shall be responsible for the
of programs that would encourage good citizenship and participation. He or
she shall offer
assistant to local schools and community organizations to encourage a proper
observance of
patriotic occasions. He or she shall perform such other duties as directed
by the Post
Commander or by the Post.
Section 11. The Auditing Committee shall cosmist of two (2) members and a
They shall complete an audit of the Post and Social Club financial records
within thirty (30)
days after the close of the fiscal year. The Chairman shall make his or her
report directly to
the Executive Committee at their next regular meeting after the audit. The
Chairman shall
perform such other duties as directed by the Post Commander or by the Post.
Section 12. The Bingo Committee Chairman shall be responsible for supervising
all Bingo
events sponsored by the Post and shall assure that the activities are conducted
within the
guidelines as directed by the Arizona Bingo Commission. He or she shall determine
adequate supplies are on hand and that the required equipment is in good repair.
He or she
shall properly account for all monies derived from Bingo and provide safekeeping
until turned
over to the Finance Officer. He or she shall preside over all meetings of
the Bingo Committee
and shall hold meetings of the Bingo Committee periodically for reviewing
all matters
pertaining to Bingo. He or she shall perform such other duties as directed
by the Post
Commander or by the Post.
Amended March 2023
Section 13. The Legislative Committee Chairman shall inform the membership
of all
proposed or pending legislation at the State or National level that might
be pertinent to
Veterans and shall advise the membership as to the position of The American
concerning such legislation. He or she shall perform such other duties as
directed by the Post
Commander or by the Post.
Section 14. The Awarded Life Membership Committee shall be composed of the
Committee, until such time there are at least five (5) living members who
have been awarded
a Life Membership by the-Post to serve on the Awarded Life Membership Committee,
replacing the Executive Committee.
A. The minimum essential requirements for consideration for an "Awarded
Membership" shall be:
1. Fifteen (15) years continuous membership in The American Legion.
2. Ten (10) years continuous active service in this Post. Active service is
defined as a service rendered to this Post as an Officer or as a member of
an active committee.
B. A nomination for a Life Membership Award may only be made by a member of
this Post and shall be directed to the Committee for investigation and recommendation.
nomination shall not be considered unless it is typewritten and contains a
resume of the
nominee setting forth the essential service required for the Award.
C. The Committee shall meet prior to the first regularly scheduled Post meeting
November of each year and, in addition, may meet at the discretion of the
Post Commander
after notification is mailed fourteen (14) days prior to the date of the special
Thirty (30) percent (%) of the Committee shall constitute a quorum. Voting
shall be by secret
ballot and a simple majority of those present is necessary for a recommendation.
Committee meetings shall be in camera and the names of nominees presented
to the
Committee shall not be disclosed until properly recommended to the Executive
Committee or
to the membership at a regularly scheduled meeting.
D. Deleted March 2023.
Section 15. The Publicity Committee Chairman shall be responsible for promoting
support of The American Legion programs. He or she shall establish liaison
with The American
Legion Magazine, the National and Department news services, local newspapers
and other
media to assure proper publicity for Post activities.
ARTICLE X-EMPLOYEES (added 10/2013)
Section 1. All employees will be on payroll with the exception of any contractors
who will
be issued a 1099 at the end of the year. No employee contract will be considered
longer then
monthly unless the employee has a signed contract with the Post that states
otherwise. All
contracts will be approved and signed by the Post Commander and Executive
Amended March 2023.
Section 2. All employees will be considered part-time employees
with no paid vacation
Amended March 2023
Section 3. All employees can be terminated with a fourteen (14) day notice
for any reason
unless the employee has a signed contract with the Post, or due to a discrimination
or protection under federal law, such as whistle blowing. Amended March 2023.
Section 4. The following are considered employees of American
Legion Post 26:
Amended March 2023.
A. Club Employees.
1. Bartenders can be terminated by the Club Manager with a majority approval
of the Club Committee. Amended March 2023.
2. Club Manager can be terminated by the Club Committee with a majority vote
of the Club Committee and majority approval of the Executive Committee. Amended
B. Bingo Employees.
1. Supervisors and Assistants can be terminated by the Bingo Manager with
majority approval of the Executive Committee. Amended March 2023.
2. Bingo Manager can be terminated by the Commander with a majority
approval of the Executive Committee. Amended March 2023.
C. Office Employees.
1. The Adjutant, as an appointed officer of the Post, can be terminated in
accordance with Article IX, Section 3 of the Post Bylaws.
2. The Finance Officer.
a. If an appointed officer of the Post, then his/her termination will be in
accordance with Article IX, Section 3 of the Post Bylaws.
b. If the Finance Officer is a non-officer, he/she may be terminated
the Commander with a majority approval of the Executive Committee. Amended
March 2023.
D. Maintenance/Janitors/Contractors. These individuals may be terminated by
Commander with a majority approval of the Executive Committee. Amended March
E. Kitchen Employees.
1. If the kitchen is under the direct operation of the Post, any employee
can be
terminated by the Commander with a majority approval of the Executive Committee.
March 2023.
2. If the kitchen is leased, the Commander can terminate the lease in
accordance with the terms of the lease with a majority approval of the Executive
Amended March 2023.
Section 5. If any employee/contractor has a written contract with American
Legion Post
26, their termination will be in accordance with the written contract. If
no terms are specified
in the written contract, the following will be a guideline in terminating
any employee with a
contract: Amended March 2023.
Amended March 2023
A. A written complaint of violation will be made, signed by the one making
complaint and signed by the employee in violation and filed in the offending
personnel file with the Finance Officer.
B. The employee in violation will be given a specified period of time to correct
deficiency. Failure to correct the deficiency in the prescribed time will
be noted in writing and
signed by the offender, to be included in their personnel file. If the deficiency
has been
corrected, it will be noted in writing and signed by the offender and filed
in their Personnel File.
C. After a third violation, the employee will be notified in writing that
they are being
terminated in two weeks and signed by the employee and filed in their Personnel
Section 1. Delegates and alternates shall be selected at a regular meeting
in a manner to
be provided by the Post, at least two (2) regular meetings prior to the Department
The Post Commander elect shall be a delegate ex-officio.
Section 2. The Post Commander shall be the Delegation Chairman. He or she
shall be
responsible for briefing the delegation as to the business likely to be transacted
at the
Convention and on the procedure that will be followed.
Section 1. All resolutions passed or adopted by the membership must be approved
by the
Department prior to publication or release.
Section 1. Regular Post membership meetings shall be held on the third (3rd)
of each month except in July and August. The Executive Committee and Club
Committee will
meet at least once a month on a date and time specified by the Commander or
Committee Chairman. This meeting must be held prior to the regular Post membership
meeting scheduled for that month. Other Committee meetings will be held as
necessary and
as directed by the Commander, or Committee Chairman.
Section 2. The Commander with the Executive Committee may call a meeting when
necessary to conduct emergency Post business. Amended March 2023
Section 3. Deleted March 2023.
Section 4. A regular Post meeting may be deemed to be an entertainment meeting
or a
special membership meeting with proper notification.
Section 1. When not in conflict with the National, Department or Post Constitution
and By-
Laws, Robert's Rules of Order, newly revised, shall be the guide to Parliamentary
and govern all meetings of this Post.
Amended March 2023
Section 1. This Post shall not incur, nor cause to be incurred, any liability
or obligation that
might subject to liability any other Post, subdivision, group, members of
The American Legion.
or other individuals, corporations or organizations.
Section 2. The Executive Committee:
A. Is generally responsible to the membership for the management of the
business and administrative affairs of the Post.
B. Will approve and authorize expenditures for Post operations.
C. Will require bonding of all persons handling or having custody of Post
D. Will submit plans for expenditures more than one thousand dollars ($1.000)
the membership at a regular Post General Meeting for approval.
E. Will approve contracts for goods or services as may be required for Post
F. Will have final authority for hiring or discharging Post employees, other
Post employees required for the clubroom operation. The hiring and discharging
of Clubroom
employees will be based on the decision and proper documentation of the Club
Manager and
the Club Committee.
Section 3. All expenditures of Post money by the Service Officer must be approved
by the
Executive Committee.
Section 4. Post Officers, whether elected or appointed, are prohibited from
lending Post
monies, or Post property to anyone. Violation of this section shall be deemed
sufficient cause
for immediate removal from office.
Section 5. No Post Officer, Committee Member, Post member, or employee, unless
otherwise authorized by these By-Laws, shall not encumber or indebt this Post
approval is recommended by the Executive Committee and is approved by a two-thirds
vote of the Post members present at the regular Post membership meeting when
the vote is
held. The Post membership shall be informed of the nature of the encumbrance
indebtedness, and the date the vote will be conducted.
Amended March 2023
Section 1. Recommendations for amendment(s) of the Post By-Laws shall be submitted
in writing and read at a regular Post membership meeting. A vote on the recommended
amendment(s) may be scheduled for a future regular membership meeting, provided
written notice of the date of the vote is given to the membership at least
ten (10) days prior to
the date of the vote. Notification will be considered given for the scheduled
vote when it is
communicated by means of the mail, email, Post's bulletin board, Website,
or Social Media
Accounts. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of Post members present is necessary
to amend
the Post By-Laws. Amended March 2023.
Section 1. All conflicts arising from the interpretation or application of
the Constitution and
By-Laws shall be referred to be resolved by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Notification of special membership meetings shall be given vote
when it is
communicated by means of mail, email, the Post's bulletin board, Website,
or Social Media
Accounts The meeting shall be set not less than ten (10) days from the date
of mailing. A
regular Post meeting may be deemed a special meeting with proper notification.
March 2023.
Section 3. Quorums:
A. Five (5) Executive Committee members shall constitute a quorum. Amended
March 2023.
B. Three (3) members of the Club Committee shall constitute a quorum.
C. Thirty (30) percent of the Awarded Life Membership Committee shall constitute
a quorum.
D. Ten (10) (amended 10/2016) members shall constitute a quorum for a regular
or special Post meeting, provided that either the Post Commander or one (1)
of the Vice
Commanders is present and shall preside.